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Somaticell is present at Milk Experience 2023

A Somaticell had a significant presence as an exhibitor at the Milk Experience, the most recent and revolutionary event aimed at the dairy sector in the Northeast, held in Garanhuns-PE on the days 11 and 12 of May. An innovative and interactive experience that brought together industry professionals from all over the world. Brazil.

The Milk Experience: Much More Than a Dairy Fair

Esqueça tudo o que você conhece sobre eventos do setor lácteo. A Milk Experience se propôs a ser muito mais que uma feira ou workshop: uma experiência tecnológica, inovadora e interativa. Criada especialmente para profissionais do setor lácteo em busca de práticas inovadoras para elevar a qualidade de seus produtos, serviços e negócios.

Com a produção de leite no Brasil estimada em 35,4 bilhões de litros, que se espalha por todo o país, a necessidade de conhecimento e inovação não poderia estar restrita ao eixo Sul-Sudeste. A região Nordeste, com seu aumento de 12,8% na produção de leite, alcançando a marca expressiva de 5,5 bilhões de litros, com Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia e Sergipe liderando a produção de leite na região, necessitava de um evento expressivo. E foi isso que a Milk Experience veio trazer.

O Papel da Somaticell no Evento

A Somaticell, ciente de seu papel como facilitadora no controle de qualidade e transformação tecnológica da indústria do leite, se fez presente como uma das expositoras no evento.

Através de nossa participação, tivemos a oportunidade de mostrar nossa linha completa de Kits para detecção de antibióticos no leite, reagentes para análises físico-químicas de lácteos e equipamentos e utensílios para laboratórios. Reforçamos nossa missão de levar tecnologia acessível para o setor leiteiro, incluindo o teste Somaticell CCS®, que permite aos produtores realizarem a contagem de células somáticas no leite, garantindo a qualidade dessa matéria prima de forma rápida, prática e precisa. 

Somaticell nas Mídias

´Confira abaixo a entrevista da CEO da Somaticell, destacando o papel crucial de um bom controle de qualidade, da informação e da transformação técnica no setor de laticínios, e como a Somaticell quer contribuir para essa mudança.

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Para você que não pôde estar presente no evento ou para aqueles que desejam relembrar os momentos, nós preparamos uma seleção especial de fotos de nossa participação na Milk Experience.

O Futuro do Setor Lácteo

A Somaticell acredita que eventos como a Milk Experience são fundamentais para a troca de ideias, o fomento de novos negócios e a disseminação de inovações que possam contribuir para o crescimento e evolução do setor leiteiro. Continuaremos participando e apoiando iniciativas que têm o poder de transformar a indústria do leite.

Para mais informações sobre nossas soluções para o setor lácteo, convidamos você a visitar o nosso website ou baixar o nosso aplicativo Somaticell disponível na Amazon e na Playstore.

Nossa equipe está pronta para atender às suas necessidades e ajudá-lo a otimizar seus processos, tornando sua produção de leite mais eficiente e de alta qualidade.

Agradecemos a presença de todos que nos visitaram e esperamos vocês na próxima!

  • Antibiotic Residues in Milk

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  • Materials for Laboratory Use

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  • Laboratory Reagents

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  • Mastitis Diagnosis

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 Stand Somaticell in the Milky Way 2024
Por André Oliveira 2 de agosto de 2024
THE Somaticell participated in Minas Láctea 2024, which took place from July 16 to 18, in Juiz de Fora (MG). The highlights of the event were the Kits Somaticell for detecting antibiotic residues in milk, exclusive and developed especially for the Brazilian market.
Por Pedro Barbieri 6 de dezembro de 2023
Our participation in the 3th +Business Seminar in Marabá
Por Pedro Barbieri 6 de novembro de 2023
In 2023, the Somaticell provided a unique and enriching experience for professionals in the dairy sector, the Academia do Leite, an event organized by the company and which was also organized by the companies Igea and Avante, which were fundamental to the success of the event. The Milk Academy was created with the aim of fostering discussions, expanding knowledge and encouraging the exchange of experiences between professionals in this industry. Lectures by Dairy Experts The opening of the event featured lectures rich in technical content by dairy experts, who shared their views and knowledge about their respective areas, as well as the best practices adopted around the world. Each presentation was meticulously prepared to address relevant and necessary topics within the setting. For the lectures we have experts such as: André Oliveira, Professor Neila Richards, Enrico Biraschi, Cacio Reis and Cristiani Lazzarini. Question Sessions and Round Table One of the highlights of Academia do Leite was the opportunity that participants had to interact directly with the speakers. The question sessions allowed doubts to be clarified and discussions to be deepened, bringing new perspectives on the topics covered. Furthermore, the round table enabled a more in-depth debate among experts, which was essential for those present to absorb different points of view and form a more complete view of the issues under discussion. Networking and Exchange of Experiences In addition to the technical and educational content, the event was also a networking platform for professionals in the sector. Amid coffee and lunch breaks, participants were able to connect. This environment was fundamental for connections and opened doors to new business opportunities and partnerships.
Reagents and the IN76 and IN77
Por Pedro Barbieri 9 de agosto de 2023
Find out how vital laboratory reagents are in implementing the IN76 and IN77 guidelines, ensuring the quality and safety of the milk we consume. Immerse yourself in the science and regulation that work together for the best.
Reagents for chemical analysis in milk
Por Pedro Barbieri 9 de agosto de 2023
Learn the key chemical analyzes of milk, discover the crucial tests performed to ensure its quality, and learn about the importance of reliable reagents and tools in the process.

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 Stand Somaticell in the Milky Way 2024
Por André Oliveira 2 de agosto de 2024
THE Somaticell participated in Minas Láctea 2024, which took place from July 16 to 18, in Juiz de Fora (MG). The highlights of the event were the Kits Somaticell for detecting antibiotic residues in milk, exclusive and developed especially for the Brazilian market.
Por Pedro Barbieri 6 de dezembro de 2023
Our participation in the 3th +Business Seminar in Marabá
Por Pedro Barbieri 6 de novembro de 2023
In 2023, the Somaticell provided a unique and enriching experience for professionals in the dairy sector, the Academia do Leite, an event organized by the company and which was also organized by the companies Igea and Avante, which were fundamental to the success of the event. The Milk Academy was created with the aim of fostering discussions, expanding knowledge and encouraging the exchange of experiences between professionals in this industry. Lectures by Dairy Experts The opening of the event featured lectures rich in technical content by dairy experts, who shared their views and knowledge about their respective areas, as well as the best practices adopted around the world. Each presentation was meticulously prepared to address relevant and necessary topics within the setting. For the lectures we have experts such as: André Oliveira, Professor Neila Richards, Enrico Biraschi, Cacio Reis and Cristiani Lazzarini. Question Sessions and Round Table One of the highlights of Academia do Leite was the opportunity that participants had to interact directly with the speakers. The question sessions allowed doubts to be clarified and discussions to be deepened, bringing new perspectives on the topics covered. Furthermore, the round table enabled a more in-depth debate among experts, which was essential for those present to absorb different points of view and form a more complete view of the issues under discussion. Networking and Exchange of Experiences In addition to the technical and educational content, the event was also a networking platform for professionals in the sector. Amid coffee and lunch breaks, participants were able to connect. This environment was fundamental for connections and opened doors to new business opportunities and partnerships.
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