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Laboratory Reagents and the IN76 and IN77 Guidelines for Milk Quality

Discover the relationship between laboratory reagents and IN76 and IN77

Milk quality and safety are crucial aspects to ensure consumer health. Normative Instructions IN76 and IN77 are sets of regulations established to ensure uniform quality standards for milk produced and marketed.

In this article, we explore how laboratory reagents align with IN76 and IN77 guidelines, playing a key role in maintaining milk quality.

IN76 and IN77: A Brief Explanation

THE Brazil, as one of the world's largest agricultural powers, has a significant responsibility in ensuring the quality of agricultural products, including milk. To ensure that milk produced and sold within the country meets the highest quality standards, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) formulated Normative Instructions IN76 and IN77.

A IN76 é mais voltada para os critérios de qualidade do leite cru refrigerado, o tipo de leite diretamente ordenhado das vacas, armazenado em tanques de refrigeração antes de ser coletado pelas indústrias de laticínios. Ela estabelece padrões para características como contagem bacteriana, teor de gordura, contagem de células somáticas (um indicativo de infecções como mastite no rebanho) e presença de contaminantes.

A IN77, por outro lado, aborda os aspectos da qualidade do leite pasteurizado, aquele que passou pelo processo de pasteurização para eliminar patógenos. Além de especificar padrões de composição e qualidade, como teor de proteína e ausência de resíduos de antibióticos, a IN77 também determina os métodos apropriados para testes e análises.

Both instructions aim not only to protect the health of consumers, but also to ensure the competitiveness of Brazilian dairy products in the global market.

Laboratory Reagents for Dairy Products and the IN77 Guidelines

Determinação de Gorduras: O perfil lipídico do leite é fundamental e serve como indicador da qualidade nutricional. A IN76 especifica os níveis de gordura que o leite cru refrigerado deve possuir. Para isso, os métodos mais tradicionais recorrem ao uso de éteres e soluções ácidas, materiais que, aliás, fazem parte do nosso amplo catálogo de reagentes. O isolamento preciso da gordura influencia diretamente o preço do leite no mercado e a qualidade de derivados, como manteiga e queijo.

Determinação do pH e Acidez: A IN76 e a IN77 possuem padrões claros sobre o pH e acidez do leite. Variações podem sinalizar desde infecções até deterioração. Para a determinação correta, soluções tampão e indicadores de pH são indispensáveis. Nesse sentido, ressaltamos a importância de se escolher reagentes de alta qualidade, como os disponíveis em nosso catálogo, para garantir análises precisas e leite seguro para consumo.

Conteúdo de Proteínas: O conteúdo proteico é vital para determinar a qualidade nutricional do leite. A IN76 estabelece os níveis de proteína que o leite deve ter. O método envolve reagentes que reagem especificamente com proteínas para quantificá-las. O uso de reagentes de alta qualidade, disponíveis em nosso catálogo, é essencial para uma análise precisa e confiável.

Densidade do Leite: A densidade do leite pode indicar adulteração, como a adição de água ou a remoção de componentes como gordura. A IN76 estabelece padrões para a densidade adequada do leite. Reagentes e soluções padrão são usados para verificar essa propriedade, garantindo que o leite esteja de acordo com as normas.

Teor de Sólidos Não Gordurosos: Este é um parâmetro importante estabelecido pela IN76. Ele reflete a quantidade de componentes como proteínas, minerais e lactose no leite, desconsiderando a gordura. Reagentes específicos e métodos de análise são utilizados para determinar esse conteúdo, e a qualidade desses reagentes, como os disponíveis em nosso portfólio, desempenha um papel crucial na precisão dos resultados.

Other essential definitions of IN76 and IN77

Detecção de Antibióticos: Em um mundo onde a preocupação com a presença de resíduos de antibióticos no leite cresce, a IN77 é rigorosa quanto à sua presença. Para testes de detecção, reagentes específicos são necessários. Na busca por precisão e confiabilidade, recomendamos a consulta dos produtos em nosso catálogo, desenvolvidos justamente para garantir resultados assertivos, protegendo consumidores e produtores.

Determinação da Contagem de Células Somáticas: A saúde do rebanho reflete diretamente na contagem de células somáticas no leite. Uma alta contagem é indicativa de infecções. Neste cenário, a IN76 define um padrão. Os reagentes utilizados para coloração e identificação dessas células sob microscopia são vitais e, para garantir precisão, nossa linha de produtos se destaca pela qualidade e eficácia.

Presença de Microrganismos Patogênicos: A IN77 estabelece padrões rigorosos para a contagem de microrganismos no leite. A presença excessiva de bactérias pode indicar contaminação e comprometer a saúde do consumidor. Os reagentes usados para cultivar e contar esses microrganismos devem ser de alta qualidade para garantir resultados precisos e confiáveis.

Presença de Resíduos de Pesticidas: Devido às preocupações ambientais e à saúde dos consumidores, a IN77 é rigorosa quanto à presença de resíduos de pesticidas no leite. Reagentes de alta sensibilidade são usados para detectar e quantificar esses resíduos. A escolha do reagente correto, como os que oferecemos, garante que o leite esteja livre de contaminação.

Important Conclusions

As we dive into the relationship between reagents and IN76 and IN77 guidelines, we see that science and rules come together to ensure quality milk in your glass. This combination helps us deliver the best product to you, and we are proud to be a part of that.

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Por André Oliveira 2 de agosto de 2024
THE Somaticell participated in Minas Láctea 2024, which took place from July 16 to 18, in Juiz de Fora (MG). The highlights of the event were the Kits Somaticell for detecting antibiotic residues in milk, exclusive and developed especially for the Brazilian market.
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Our participation in the 3th +Business Seminar in Marabá
Por Pedro Barbieri 6 de novembro de 2023
In 2023, the Somaticell provided a unique and enriching experience for professionals in the dairy sector, the Academia do Leite, an event organized by the company and which was also organized by the companies Igea and Avante, which were fundamental to the success of the event. The Milk Academy was created with the aim of fostering discussions, expanding knowledge and encouraging the exchange of experiences between professionals in this industry. Lectures by Dairy Experts The opening of the event featured lectures rich in technical content by dairy experts, who shared their views and knowledge about their respective areas, as well as the best practices adopted around the world. Each presentation was meticulously prepared to address relevant and necessary topics within the setting. For the lectures we have experts such as: André Oliveira, Professor Neila Richards, Enrico Biraschi, Cacio Reis and Cristiani Lazzarini. Question Sessions and Round Table One of the highlights of Academia do Leite was the opportunity that participants had to interact directly with the speakers. The question sessions allowed doubts to be clarified and discussions to be deepened, bringing new perspectives on the topics covered. Furthermore, the round table enabled a more in-depth debate among experts, which was essential for those present to absorb different points of view and form a more complete view of the issues under discussion. Networking and Exchange of Experiences In addition to the technical and educational content, the event was also a networking platform for professionals in the sector. Amid coffee and lunch breaks, participants were able to connect. This environment was fundamental for connections and opened doors to new business opportunities and partnerships.
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Por Pedro Barbieri 25 de julho de 2023
A Somaticell had a significant presence as an exhibitor at the Milk Experience, the most recent and revolutionary event aimed at the dairy sector in the Northeast, held in Garanhuns-PE on the days 11 and 12 of May. An innovative and interactive experience that brought together industry professionals from all over the world. Brazil. The Milk Experience: Much More Than a Dairy Fair Forget everything you know about events in the dairy sector. The Milk Experience set out to be much more than a fair or workshop: a technological, innovative and interactive experience. Created especially for professionals in the dairy sector in search of innovative practices to raise the quality of their products, services and businesses. With milk production in Brazil estimated at 35,4 billion liters, which is spread throughout the country, the need for knowledge and innovation could not be restricted to the South-Southeast axis. The Northeast region, with its 12,8% increase in milk production, reaching the expressive mark of 5,5 billion liters, with Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and Sergipe leading milk production in the region, needed a significant event . And that's what Milk Experience came to bring. The role of Somaticell in Event A Somaticell, aware of its role as a facilitator in the quality control and technological transformation of the milk industry, was present as one of the exhibitors at the event. Through our participation, we had the opportunity to show our complete line of kits for detecting antibiotics in milk, reagents for physicochemical analyzes of dairy products and laboratory equipment and utensils. We reinforce our mission to bring affordable technology to the dairy industry, including testing Somaticell CCS®, which allows producers to carry out the somatic cell count in milk, guaranteeing the quality of this raw material in a fast, practical and precise way. Somaticell in the Media ´Check below the interview with the CEO of Somaticell, highlighting the crucial role of good quality control, information and technical transformation in the dairy sector, and how Somaticell want to contribute to that change.

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 Stand Somaticell in the Milky Way 2024
Por André Oliveira 2 de agosto de 2024
THE Somaticell participated in Minas Láctea 2024, which took place from July 16 to 18, in Juiz de Fora (MG). The highlights of the event were the Kits Somaticell for detecting antibiotic residues in milk, exclusive and developed especially for the Brazilian market.
Por Pedro Barbieri 6 de dezembro de 2023
Our participation in the 3th +Business Seminar in Marabá
Por Pedro Barbieri 6 de novembro de 2023
In 2023, the Somaticell provided a unique and enriching experience for professionals in the dairy sector, the Academia do Leite, an event organized by the company and which was also organized by the companies Igea and Avante, which were fundamental to the success of the event. The Milk Academy was created with the aim of fostering discussions, expanding knowledge and encouraging the exchange of experiences between professionals in this industry. Lectures by Dairy Experts The opening of the event featured lectures rich in technical content by dairy experts, who shared their views and knowledge about their respective areas, as well as the best practices adopted around the world. Each presentation was meticulously prepared to address relevant and necessary topics within the setting. For the lectures we have experts such as: André Oliveira, Professor Neila Richards, Enrico Biraschi, Cacio Reis and Cristiani Lazzarini. Question Sessions and Round Table One of the highlights of Academia do Leite was the opportunity that participants had to interact directly with the speakers. The question sessions allowed doubts to be clarified and discussions to be deepened, bringing new perspectives on the topics covered. Furthermore, the round table enabled a more in-depth debate among experts, which was essential for those present to absorb different points of view and form a more complete view of the issues under discussion. Networking and Exchange of Experiences In addition to the technical and educational content, the event was also a networking platform for professionals in the sector. Amid coffee and lunch breaks, participants were able to connect. This environment was fundamental for connections and opened doors to new business opportunities and partnerships.
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