We are an innovative company that was born with the purpose of developing unique solutions for the quality of dairy products and the prevention of livestock diseases, boosting results and minimizing losses in a global market driven by productivity.
We have a highly qualified team to provide our customers with agile and efficient technical support in antibiotic residue analysis, mastitis diagnosis and food safety.
Contact us:
+ 55 (11) 4216-2500
+55 (11) 94272-2501
Av. Juvenal Arantes, 2500 - Shed 11 - Medeiros, Jundiaí - SP, 13212-354
A Somaticell Diagnósticos offers products designed to serve the Brazilian market, with the greatest protections in terms of
detecção de drogas, cobertura de famílias detectadas, com 100% das necessidades descritas pelo MAPA.
Política de Privacidade