Whey Addition Test in Milk (CMP)

Identification of

Addition of Whey in Milk

Caseinomacropeptide (CMP) is a derivative that is present in whey and is detected through the HPLC method, which stands for High Performance Liquid Chromatography. even in derivative products such as cheese and yogurt, which are dependent on intact casein.

The higher the CMP content, the lower this conversion capacity and the quality of the milk, as it will indicate that the casein has been damaged.

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Why track the CMP index?

By controlling the CMP index in the milk, it is possible to control the CMP content and have a guaranteed prediction for the milk yield. In this way, the decision-making process for the rural producer becomes more assertive and advantageous. 

By knowing the milk quality index and identifying materials with low levels of CMP and CSS, the producer will be able to invest in higher quality yeasts and qualities to obtain the expected and desired yield. This avoids the waste of premium raw materials with milks that do not have the necessary conversion capacity to reach the desired potential.

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What the regulations say about the CMP

According to the legislation, to be considered of good quality, milk must have a CMP content below 30 mg/L. Between 30 and 75 mg/L of CMP, the milk is considered of medium quality, with permitted use for human consumption. Those that present this index above 75 mg/L are considered of low quality and unfit for human consumption. 

 A classificação da qualidade e as regras para descarte por ser inapropriado para o consumo humano são definidas pela legislação com base nos teores de CMP por litro, de acordo com a legislação do Ministério da Agricultura, que pode ser acessada pelo link: Instrução Normativa SDA n° 69, de 13 de dezembro de 2006 - Índice de CMP e que determina esses valores, os quais transcrevemos:

  • “...Art. 1o - Establish criteria for evaluating the quality of fresh, concentrated and powdered, reconstituted milk, based on the official physical-chemical analytical method called the "CMP Index", dealt with in Normative Instruction No. 68, of 12 December, 2006. Art. 2 - Only when the CMP index is up to 30 mg/l (thirty milligrams per liter), the milk referred to in art. 1 of this Normative Instruction may be intended for direct supply. 
  • § 1o - When the milk CMP index is between 30mg/l (thirty milligrams per liter) and 75mg/l (seventy-five milligrams per liter), it may be used for the production of dairy derivatives. 
  • § 2o - The dairy derivatives referred to in § 1º will be technically evaluated, on a case-by-case basis, by the Department of Inspection of Products of Animal Origin - DIPOA. 
  • § 3o - When the CMP index of the milk is above 75 mg/l (seventy-five milligrams per liter), it may be destined for animal feed, the chemical industry in general or another destination to be technically evaluated, on a case-by-case basis, by DIPOA….

Aplicações e Casos de Uso

A simple example of applying CMP is creating an analysis history combined with information about the yield of a specific product to understand how much that CMP value can affect the yield.

Ao investir nas soluções da Somaticell Diagnósticos, o produtor recebe uma planilha criada pelos especialistas com essas relações comparativas e previsões para tomadas de decisão rentáveis e lucrativas.

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