Analyzes of antibiotic residues in milk are regulated by regulations 76 and 77 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. According to these regulations, analyzes of antibiotics in milk must be carried out based on at least two active principles per receipt.
Analyzes should be performed for all groups of antimicrobials, with periodic surveys of suppliers of antibiotics that are commonly used in the herd.
Antibiotic residue detection kits from Somaticell® were designed to serve the Brazilian market, with the greatest protections in terms of drug detection capacity, coverage of detected families, with 100% of the needs described in the PNCRC – National Waste and Contaminant Control Plan – of MAPA, to ensure that dairies receive milk with
residues below legislation, but without discarding good milk as contaminated milk.
Os kits 2 em 1 são recomendados para as análises diárias, eles são capazes de identificar 100% dos Betalactâmicos e Tetraciclinas vendidos no mercado. Na prática, essas são as duas principais famílias de antimicrobianos utilizadas no tratamento de doenças comuns em vacas de leite, em especial a mastite, a doença de maior importância para a produção leiteira.
These tests detect the main families of antibiotics used in dairy herds in Brazil:
Betalactâmicos, Tetraciclinas, Sulfonamidas e Fluorquinolonas, contando ainda com kits combinados e individuais para a detecção de Macrolídeos, Aminoglicosídeos, Fenicóis e Anfenicóis - entre outras possibilidades de acordo com a necessidade do cliente.
To facilitate understanding of testing technology Somaticell®, we created a series of explanatory videos that show details on how to apply the tests in your dairy or laboratory:
This analysis is performed with a small amount of milk sample, the collection is made with a pipette and the material is added to a microwell for the reaction between the antibiotic in the milk and the antibody combined with the colored conjugate. With the presence of the antibiotic, it will expel the conjugate from the antibody, so the conjugate is isolated and will not color the solution. Remembering that this reaction occurs due to the stronger chemical stability in the antibody/antibiotic complex. The amount of color will be inversely proportional to the amount of antibiotic – that is, the higher the concentration of antibiotic, the less color the final reaction presents.
Uma fita de leitura possibilitará a separação entre o restante do conjugado/anticorpo e a sua identificação para conclusão da análise, com a separação e detecção em famílias dos antibióticos presentes e seus níveis de ocorrência na amostra, mostrando se temos a presença acima dos níveis de sensibilidade do método. A leitura automatizada também pode ser feita para a interpretação destes resultados, utilizando o leitor e o aplicativo exclusivo da Somaticell, eliminando assim possíveis erros da interpretação visual.
No teste da Somaticell® o princípio utilizado é o Elisa (Enzime Linked Immunosorbent Assay), que faz uma ligação entre enzima e um substrato específico. Nesse método, o anticorpo é ligado ao conjugado colorido, que gera uma reação com o antibiótico no leite que, caso esteja presente, desloca o conjugado colorido e forma um composto com ausência de coloração.
Within this inversely proportional analysis, the greater the volume of antibiotic residues in the milk, the lower the color of the reaction. After the first reactive phase, the reading tape is used to count the concentration of antibiotic residues and characterize the result.
The application Somaticell is the perfect solution for dairy producers who want to guarantee milk quality and optimize their industry. With it, you will have complete control over the quality of the milk, from analysis to taking quick and effective actions to ensure product excellence.
O teste é dividido em duas fases, a primeira consiste na adição do leite coletado no micropoço com conjugado e anticorpos. Essa etapa tem duração de 3 minutos e é onde acontece a reação do conjugado+anticorpos com o antibiótico quando presente
Após decorrido o tempo, o alarme é acionado e prossegue-se à próxima etapa da análise, em que é inserida a fita de leitura no micropoço e iniciado o cronômetro, que marcará o segundo tempo de incubação de 6 minutos. Por fim, basta retirar a fita, remover o excesso de solução, para então fazer a leitura do resultado, que pode ser feita visualmente ou automaticamente pelo dispositivo integrado ao
aplicativo Somaticell disponível para tablets e celulares.
The use of antibiotics when necessary in dairy cattle is essential to maintain the health of the animals, the productivity of the sector and the well-being and quality of life of the herd. However, for milk to be considered of good quality, it is essential that it follow the standards determined by the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.
One of the main requirements is that the milk sold be free of antibiotic and pesticide residues. Thus, it is necessary to carry out daily and additional analyzes of milk samples to ensure the quality and added value of the product.
In addition to affecting milk quality, the presence of antibiotic residues in milk also affects food safety for consumption and processing of dairy products. From the point of view of safety for consumers, the presence of antibiotic residues in milk can cause problems such as allergies, toxicity and increased risk of developing resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics.
Considering the productivity aspect of dairy products, these antibiotic residues in milk cause negative effects, such as problems in the development of lactic ferments in the manufacture of derivative products, such as cheese and yogurt. The delay in fermentation caused by the presence of antibiotics in milk makes room for the development of other bacteria that alter the desired sensory characteristics of these foods, such as taste, texture and aroma.
According to Embrapa, Brazil currently ranks as the 4th largest producer of milk in the world. Seeking to keep up with global trends and market behavior, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply has recently amended the Normative Instructions for this sector.
In short, milk producers need to be aware of two specific regulations, IN76 and IN77.
A IN76 determina os regulamentos técnicos de identidade e as características de qualidade que devem apresentar o leite cru refrigerado, o leite pasteurizado e o leite pasteurizado tipo A. Já a IN77 estabelece os critérios e procedimentos para a produção, acondicionamento, conservação, transporte, seleção e recepção do leite cru em estabelecimentos registrados no serviço de inspeção oficial.
As an objective, the regulations aim to define quality and safety parameters for the milk produced in the country. The maximum limits of antibiotic residues in milk are established by the Ministry of Health, incorporated by the Ministry of Agriculture and are based on the limits established by the Codex Alimentárius.
The Ministry of Agriculture reinforces, through changes in legislation, the importance of herd health and the testing and analysis methods carried out by producers and industries in the sector.
Among the main standards related to antibiotic residues in milk, we can highlight article 33 of IN77 and the sole paragraph of article 55:
The detection of antibiotic residues in milk can be tricky due to the low concentrations usually found, measured by parts per billion (ppb), allied to the diversity of products available on the market for dairy herds. Therefore, it is essential to use testing methods with reference to techniques approved by the sector's regulatory institutions.
Esses métodos de referência são baseados em análises precisas feitas em laboratórios. No entanto, os produtores de leite podem optar por métodos mais versáteis, econômicos e instantâneos, como os kits de testagem disponíveis no mercado
– sempre considerando os desvios em relação aos métodos de referência.
The main advantage of individual tests is the greater ability to detect the elements that make up a certain family of antibiotics in milk. When using an individual test for the detection of Sulfas, for example, the detection potential of that antibody for all Sulfas is maximized, considering that the test does not compete with other antibodies for other antibiotics in milk.
Therefore, an individual test will always be more sensitive, safe and complete for detecting a specific family in the analysis. This method is ideal for anyone who wants to ensure that residues from a certain family group are not present in the milk, or to identify more active ingredients from the same family.
Individual tests are the best method of analysis when, for example, there is a need or demand to detect whether a specific drug family occurs in a given region. The choice of the individual test will provide greater range of detection, safety and guarantee for the results compared to the combined tests, detecting more active principles and with less interference, since there is no chemical competition with other antibodies/conjugates of other drugs, as occurs in the combined multi-residue tests.