Mastitis Diagnosis (CCS)

Diagnosis of

Bovine Mastitis:

Somaticell® ccs 

Como uma solução moderna e eficiente, o Somaticell® ccs foi desenvolvido para um diagnóstico ágil, preciso e versátil, que pode ser aplicado no campo para resultados imediatos no diagnóstico da mastite bovina. O kit permite a avaliação da amostra de leite com base em um conjunto que viabiliza a contagem instantânea das células somáticas e classificação da qualidade do leite.

O desempenho do Somaticell® ccs é comparável à contagem eletrônica realizada em laboratórios. Esse método permite o diagnóstico de mastite bovina clínica e subclínica, com precisão de 97% comprovada cientificamente e com resultados em menos de 3 minutos.

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What is bovine mastitis?

In summary, bovine mastitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mammary gland of cows. This inflammation can have several causes, either by the action of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and viruses), by chemical agents or physical injuries to the udder.

Bovine mastitis is the main disease affecting milk production. The main negative impacts manifest themselves through the loss of productivity, loss of nutrients, transmission of the disease to other cows and loss in the quality of the milk produced.

A contagem de células somáticas (CCS) é essencial para que o produtor de leite consiga monitorar e garantir a produção da qualidade do leite  . Essa análise auxilia na identificação da mastite bovina subclinica, aumentando a  sanidade do rebanho, o potencial de conversão do leite produzido em derivados lácteos e o valor agregado para a venda.

Furthermore, CCS also allows producers to clearly and realistically visualize the health level of their herd. If the count tests demonstrate a high somatic cell count, the herd's productivity is probably compromised.

The Most Modern Method for Diagnosing Mastitis

Diagnóstico da mastite a nível clínico e sub-clínico em menos de 3 minutos, aplicado diretamente no campo, com precisão de 97% cientificamente comprovada.

Simple and Fast
Indirect and rapid test to diagnose mastitis and quantify somatic cells in milk based on the increase in milk viscosity, directly proportional to the level of mastitis in cattle.
Increase in Productivity
Production losses can reach 32% when values are above one million somatic cells per milliliter of milk.
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How to diagnose bovine mastitis?

Bovine mastitis can be transmitted to animals in two ways: contagious transmission from a sick cow to a healthy one via milking and other contacts in the teat regions (this transmission route is called contagious bovine mastitis and the main causes of this route are gram-positive bacteria), or by environmental contamination via soil, manure, handling tools, water and other infected items, which is environmental bovine mastitis.

Dentre as principais formas de diagnosticar a mastite bovina, a mais eficiente e utilizada nos rebanhos leiteiros comerciais é a contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Ao identificar a infecção, o próprio organismo das vacas ativa mecanismos de defesa para combater o problema.

As it is an infectious disease, bovine mastitis can be diagnosed through the presence of these pesticides in milk: white cells, leukocytes, also called somatic cells. By using the CCS method, producers are able to accurately identify the disease and adopt remediation strategies in a timely manner to mitigate the risks of spread and losses.

Clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis

Além das diferentes vias de contaminação (ambiental e contagiosa), a mastite bovina também se divide em duas formas: a mastite bovina clínica e a mastite bovina subclinica. 

Clinical Bovine Mastitis

Clinical bovine mastitis presents symptoms of infection visible in regions such as udders and teats, through redness and swelling. In addition, it also manifests itself through changes in milk, such as the presence of pus or lumps, which facilitates its identification.

Subclinical bovine mastitis

Subclinical bovine mastitis does not express apparent symptoms, which can make early diagnosis difficult and increase the risk of major losses in productivity and quality and the spread of the disease within the herd. In this case, the disease is not diagnosed with the naked eye and can remain undiagnosed for a long time, causing the greatest health and economic losses in dairy farming, being identified only through somatic cell counting (SCC).

Em rebanhos leiteiros, a Subclinical bovine mastitis tende a ser dominante em relação à mastite clínica. A versão silenciosa da doença é um dos maiores desafios dos produtores de leite, que devem priorizar o planejamento estratégico e preventivo com a realização de testes de CSS recorrente e manejo correto com base nos resultados.

Como a mastite bovina afeta o produtor de leite?

Bovine mastitis can cause great losses and losses for the dairy producer. At first, the presence of the disease reduces the productivity of the cows, causing them to produce a smaller volume of milk.

In addition, the quality of milk from sick animals is also reduced, especially in cases of clinical bovine mastitis, where the collected milk must be discarded. Cases with apparent symptoms also require medical care, such as veterinary consultations, tests and medications. 

As a result of the disease, cows can also die early. All this generates impacts on production costs, affecting the profit margin and profitability of the business.

When there is silent transmission to a large part of the herd, the significant reduction in milk production causes serious financial impacts for the producer. Adopting preventive care in the management and diagnosis of bovine mastitis is the safest strategy to avoid this situation and manage to remedy it in a timely manner to reduce losses and losses.

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diagnosis for bovine mastitis?

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Como a mastite bovina afeta o Laticínio?

Bovine mastitis not only reduces productivity and milk volume, but also the quality of this product. In cases of clinical mastitis, milk tends to contain unwanted elements such as pus and lumps, which reveals the high presence of bacteria and makes the product to be discarded.

Uma boa forma de visualizar o impacto da mastite bovina para os laticínios é observar a relação entre a contagem de células somáticas e a produção de leite em rebanhos controlados pelo PATLQ, MONTREAL, CANADA:

CCS (x1.000 cells/mL) Milk production (kg/cow) Productivity compared to healthy cow
< 200 6.170 100,00%
200 - 299 6.086 98,64%
300 - 399 5.899 95,61%
400 - 499 5.716 92,64%
500 - 749 5.496 89,08%
> 750 5.138 83,27%

Source: Monardes, 1984.

In the occurrence of subclinical bovine mastitis, despite the absence of symptoms, the milk develops sensory defects such as changes in the taste and texture of the fluid. Characteristics such as bitter taste and rancidity are caused by lipolysis and proteolysis of pasteurized milk during its storage process.

The presence of infection and the immune response of cows to bovine mastitis is enough to generate changes in milk composition, such as the concentration of fat, protein and lactose, as well as minerals and enzymes. Furthermore, the elevation of vascular permeability during illness also increases the influx of elements from the blood into the milk.

The quality of milk from cows with bovine mastitis is also affected by compositional impacts such as changes in casein, whey protein and lactose concentration.

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Depoimentos de Clientes Satisfeitos

Nossa Solução: o Somaticell® CCS

Ao entrar em contato com o reagente do Somaticell CCS, o leite sofre alteração de sua viscosidade de acordo com o volume de células somáticas. Desse modo, quanto maior for a viscosidade do leite, maior é a contagem de células somáticas e maior a probabilidade de infecção do gado por mastite bovina:

By investing in our solution, the producer invests in the protection and care of the animals, ensuring greater preventive control of the quality of the milk and the health of the cows, greater milk production, less use of antibiotics, resulting in a healthier herd. and profitable and assertive decision-making based on routine tests to reduce losses and damages.

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