Conforme tratamos em artigos anteriores, a mastite é uma inflamação do úbere causada por uma variedade de micróbios, principalmente bactérias, que ganham acesso ao interior da glândula mamária. Esses micróbios vivem na vaca, em seu úbere e em seu ambiente, incluindo o chão, fezes, solo, alimentos, água, plantas e equipamentos de ordenha e utensílios. A mastite no campo é um problema complicado e caro para o produtor de leite.
Não há soluções simples para sua prevenção. A melhor maneira de evitar mastite em seu rebanho é a prevenção, mas quando o quadro clínico se instala também é importante saber o que fazer para o seu controle.
In this article we separate some key points on how to minimize mastitis in the field, both in terms of treating the issue and preventing it. Good reading!
It is important to note that, generally speaking, mastitis is usually multifactorial; resulting from factors that may include the farm's production system, the environment in which the cows are kept, the level of immunity of the cow and the type of invading pathogen causing the infection. But there are two main causes of mastitis and they include:
Flies are also a big factor in spreading the disease, especially if cows are kept in confined areas with high fly populations. Flies carry the disease by moving bacteria from the surface of the skin into the breast tissue. This is the entry point for the pathogen which allows the bacteria to infect the udder.
Also, older cows are at greater risk of getting mastitis because they typically have larger udders than younger cows. Therefore, the chance of physical injury to the udder is greater, and in early lactation the udder often comes into contact with the ground, due to the low height of the animal, allowing the entry of pathogenic bacteria.
Calves can also spread the infection between quarters when nursing. Furthermore, if cross-sucking occurs between cows, bacteria can be spread to other cows.
Climate is also a risk factor for mastitis to occur. Cases of mastitis increase when the weather is hot and humid.
The most obvious symptoms of clinical mastitis in cows are: Swollen udder, heat, hardness, redness or pain. In addition, the infected cow's milk takes on a watery appearance, and flocs, clots, or pus are often present.
Other common signs include reduced milk production, increased body temperature, lack of appetite and a reduction or reluctance to move due to pain from the swollen udder.
Devido à natureza infecciosa da mastite, ela normalmente deve ser tratada com antibióticos. Mesmo a mastite resultante da lesão deve ser tratada com antibióticos para prevenir e resolver qualquer complicação infecciosa da lesão. Para tratar a vaca pode ser ordenhada e em seguida, o antibiótico pode ser infundido diretamente na glândula infectada. É necessário entrar em contato com o seu veterinário para a escolha do antibiótico específico a ser usado, a dosagem correta e o método de aplicação, especialmente para evitar o abuso de antibióticos e o descarte desnecessário de leite.
Other forms of treatment and resolution of mastitis in cows is the administration of oxytocin to stimulate the letdown and flow of milk, in order to relieve the udder of the bacterial load and reduce its development. Also, the use of anti-steroids and anti-inflammatories can be given to reduce the swollen state and pain of the udder.
For mastitis that is not cured even after constant and prolonged treatment, the best option is to exclude the animal from the herd so that the infection (mastitis) does not spread to other cows in the cattle herd.
Now that we've covered how to treat mastitis in infected cows, let's take a look at prevention. These are some points of attention to which the producer should be aware:
There is also a list of some general attitudes that can be taken by producers in order to mitigate their incidence:
Ensuring cows are getting the right, clean nutrition so they can maintain a strong immune system and are less prone to infectious microorganisms causing mastitis. Through it all, be sure to consult your veterinarian for a proper plan regarding the treatment and prevention of mastitis on your farm. This lessens long-term economic and financial losses.
Correct milking procedures are important, regardless of whether the cows are hand-milked or automated. Preparing for milking reduces the number of contaminating microorganisms on the skin and stimulates milk let-down.
In addition to reducing this contamination, it decreases residual milk left in the udder at the end of milking, increases milk production, shortens milking time and reduces the spread of contagious and environmental organisms that cause mastitis and reduce milk quality.
The main milking procedures include the following:
When milking cows infected with mastitis:
Control and treatment of mastitis in the field:
Monitoring and controlling bovine mastitis infection regularly is also an essential procedure for controlling mastitis in the field.
Uma das melhores formas de fazer isso de maneira efetiva e ágil é através da contagem de células somáticas (CCS), que possibilitará uma análise mais abrangente da situação da doença no rebanho.
Furthermore, it is important to administer correct treatments for each type of infection and for each cycle of the cow (dry period or lactation period). In some cases it is possible to treat mastitis naturally, without the administration of medication.
In cases of clinical mastitis, administering treatments in lactation cycles are most effective. While for subclinical mastitis treatments, the dry period is more effective. Therefore, dry cow therapy is highly recommended.
It is essential to know what bovine mastitis is, its causes and types, and to understand the importance of maintaining control over this type of infection, which is so common in the agricultural context.
However, more important than that, is absorbing this information and knowing how to use it in the application and adoption of good practices to control bovine mastitis.
Thus, by adapting the environment, educating its team of professionals, managing the entire milking process and understanding and applying appropriate treatments for each type of infection, it will increase the health of the herd, and consequently the productive capacity and quality. of milk from dairy cows.
Want to know how to further improve mastitis control procedures in the field?
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