The milk industry has consolidated a lot in the world. Therefore, there are many companies that work in the field and seek to improve themselves to stand out amid the competitiveness of the market.
In this context, a company that understands the dairy industry knows that it is necessary to invest in various aspects of the business itself to increase its profitability in the dairy and dairy farming industry.
Alguns desses aspectos podem requisitar um gasto maior por parte do produtor. Apesar disso, a representação financeira de algumas medidas que aumentem a lucratividade e incidam sobre a melhora do leite não devem ser vistas como custos, mas sim como um investimento.
In this article, we will present 5 tips to increase profitability in milk production. Measures range from nutritional and behavioral aspects of milk-producing animals to the increased attention that must be given to cows that were once sick. All tips are criteria that act directly on the health of the herd and, consequently, on the quality of the milk.
For these reasons, the accurate and frequent execution of the tips presented expresses a significant increase in the improvement of the routine, hygiene and nutrition of dairy cows. These characteristics, together, lead to a greater profit on the part of the producer.
If you want to know these 5 tips and give your production a boost, be sure to check out this text. Good reading!
When starting in the dairy business, everyone learns some requirements that cannot be missed in dairy production and routine. In spite of this, what seems essential for the logistics of operating the milk collection, many times, over time, is forgotten by the team and the producer.
This, however, is the biggest slip that can occur in a company that wants to maintain and, mainly, increase its profits. Among the aspects that cannot be forgotten in milk production are:
By understanding these aspects, it will be possible to give more meaning to the 5 tips that are presented in the next topics, as they follow these precepts.
Note the tips below.
This tip seems obvious, however, there is no way to talk about profitability and not equal the basic conditions of every dairy farmer.
O conhecimento das normas de produção de leite é inerente ao empresário do ramo, principalmente devido à importância do leite enquanto alimento. O leite, assim como seus derivados, faz parte da mesa de alimentação diária de muitas pessoas e por isso, sua produção deve ser precisa com relação às Instruções Normativas no Brasil, para garantir a qualidade mínima, antes de qualquer outro investimento.
Therefore, it is essential to maintain good practices in livestock; perform the standard count of microorganisms (such as bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi), the systematic control of mastitis and parasites; among other amendments to the updated Brazilian Normative Instructions.
As of 2002, for example, with IN51, aspects such as milk refrigeration, cow health and cleanliness in milk withdrawal processes began to be regulated. Like these aspects, antibiotic residues in milk also began to be controlled. It is important to know this, especially the latter, because in general, cows go through inflammations and infections that require the use of antibiotics and good monitoring of this is essential to keep within the norms.
As you continue reading, you can see how many tips are based on standards. This demonstrates their importance. So stay tuned!
Certainly, a well-fed and nourished cow during her lactation period, and that is not affected by any disease - such as mastitis, for example - will give healthy milk. This milk will undoubtedly be of better quality than that of a cow that does not have access to as many nutrients as the first one.
Apesar disso, é importante saber que a qualidade do seu leite pode ser ainda maior ao nutrir o seu rebanho bem, mesmo no período de vaca seca. Isto é, uma vaca com alimentação bem regrada a longo prazo consegue fornecer um leite de maior qualidade.
Remember: a cow's dry period consists of the regeneration of mammary gland cells. Therefore, it is important to condition a good diet and correct treatment for these animals, not only when they are providing milk, but also when they are not.
This is probably one of the main aspects that impact the health of dairy cows. After all, when talking about health, it is not just about the physical aspects presented by animals. In fact, stress in cows is one of the main reasons that influence not only the production and quality of milk, but also the reproductive efficiency of these animals.
For these reasons, it is so important to promote animal comfort. It is essential to think about:
All this must be done in such a way that the cow's stress does not impact the milking management.
This tip is crucial to avoid new headaches and worries.
In advance, the supervision of the cows is a guiding criterion for conducting dairy production and every good entrepreneur and qualified team knows this. It is important to recognize changes in behavior as well as variations in milk composition and milk production. But it is also necessary to analyze other elements that give signs of diseases, such as bovine mastitis.
However, it may be easier to gain control of herd health by paying attention to and cataloging information about those animals that have already experienced certain illnesses, even those that suffer from metabolic problems. Bovine mastitis, for example, is a very common disease among cows and is also recurrent.
To take her as an example, cows that have already received a diagnosis of mastitis are more likely to deal with the disease again. Knowing this, the producer and his team can keep a closer eye on these animals. What should be done identifying cases of clinical mastitis, as well as performing the somatic cell count, one of the main indicators of subclinical mastitis in the herd.
Antinutritional factors are those that have the opposite effect to what you want to pass on to the animal. For example, an anti-nutritional food is still ingestible, however it is not healthy.
Low-fermented foods, lacking important nutrients for cows, wild yeast or even moldy foods fall into the group of antinutritional factors. It should be remembered that animal nutrition is fundamental for quality milk. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid these factors.
In addition to this concern, it is important to think about the right amount of antioxidant foods. These foods lessen the impact of oxidative stress, which in turn is directly linked to the immune system of cows.
Vitamin E and selenium are part of the antioxidant nutrients that can help defend these animals precisely by acting on oxidative stress. Therefore, a balanced diet for cows must include an amount of these antioxidants. As well as their hydration, which must be supplied with 10 to 15 liters of drinking water daily
After knowing 5 fundamental tips to leverage the profitability of your dairy business, it is also important to be aware of the factors that negatively impact this process. To know this, just recognize the main flaws in dairy production that affect your profitability.
Among these negative aspects, one can include the lack of assertive management. To ensure the profitability of your business, it is essential that the general supervision of the same is attentive to errors. And that, in this way, plan impact measures for the company, monitoring and leading the team. After all, if the head of the company is not centered, it cannot be expected that the rest of the body of the dairy industry will be.
In addition to this factor, the lack of supervision over the flow of milk production is one of the main mistakes made. This impacts on perceiving the quality of the milk, the increase or decrease in the production of the product, the perception that there is something wrong with your herd or that a feed is better nourishing your cattle, the discovery of diseases that impact on the health of the animals, among others.
Certainly, the error of lack of supervision again takes up the importance of incisive management. This is visible, because, in order for there to be a careful look at changes in milk and animals, there must be encouragement. Despite this, there is another group that is also fundamental for the perception of changes and consequences: the staff.
Check in the next topic why.
When wanting to increase milk production and profitability of the producer or dairy, a business owner must be ready to invest in an experienced team and train their employees. The reason for this is not difficult to understand.
There are several functions in the livestock sector and not always the entrepreneur and dairy producer can be aware of everything. Therefore, having qualified and reliable people occupying these positions, you have the necessary support and also analysis and planning partners for your business.
In addition, the professionals responsible for handling the animals during milking are extremely important. Because, as seen, the well-being and health of the cows are some of the main pillars of a profitable milk and dairy production.
For this reason, employees who are responsible for the treatment and care of animals must be trained to handle their cattle in the best way. This should be standard within companies wishing to increase their profitability. Because, at the end of the day, the investment in a team with specializations is all returned in the form of productivity and profit.
After everything we've presented to increase profitability, maybe you don't have everything you need to jumpstart your business. But don't worry, Somaticell can help you in many ways!
A Somaticell é uma empresa especializada em segurança alimentar com mais de 30 anos de experiência e com uma equipe pronta para dar o suporte na sua produção de leite. A empresa oferece testes rápidos de contagem de células somáticas, com resultado em menos de 3 minutos, que podem auxiliar o produtor no acompanhamento da qualidade do leite, assim como na descoberta de mastites.
In addition, the company offers several rapid tests to detect antibiotic residues. These are analyzes using the biotechnology of Somaticell®, developed specifically for the Brazilian market, bringing all the security that every producer looking for profitability and herd health needs!
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