Código do Produto: 100-003

Categoria: Células Somáticas

Somaticell ccs®

The Somaticell CCS® is a bovine mastitis diagnostic kit that allows rapid, accurate, in-field determination of somatic cell count (SCC) in milk. Ideal for identifying clinical and subclinical mastitis, it assists in monitoring milk quality and herd health.
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Technical specifications

Storage: Contains enough reagents for 100 tests. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Vantagens e Benefícios

Easy to use; Accurate and reliable; Fast results in less than 3 minutes; Scientifically proven 97% accuracy

Aplicações e Casos de Uso

Evaluation of milk quality; Animal welfare monitoring; Detection and control of clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis; Data-based decision-making for proper herd management

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