Milk Academy | 5th Edition | Somaticell

Countdown finished!



22 de Outubro às 09h |  Toledo: Vagas Esgotadas

24 de Outubro às 09h |  Chapeco - SC

5th Edition do Technical Meeting para profissionais de laticínios e laboratórios de leite.

Vagas limitadas para clientes Somaticell e parceiros selecionados. Aprimore suas habilidades participando do nosso evento sobre as melhores práticas e tecnologias adotadas na indústria do leite.

Sign up for free

Milk Academy | 5th Edition

As vagas para o evento de Toledo - PR estão esgotadas. Inscreva-se abaixo para o evento de Chapecó - RS

Milk Academy

Free Registration and Certificate

On site parking

Lunch & Coffee Break

Round Table and Networking

Don't miss any detail

Check out the schedule

Our event will feature lectures, debates and unique opportunities for exchange and networking in the dairy industry.

Frequently Asked Questions about our

Technical Meeting

Get all your questions answered and feel free to contact our customer service team.

  • Is registration really free?

    Yes! Registration for the "Milk Academy" event is free. However, places are limited. We recommend registering as soon as possible to guarantee your participation.

  • What will the food be like during the event?

    Lunch is included in the event, as well as coffee breaks for participants. We guarantee a variety of quality options to suit all tastes.

  • Where will the event be held and is there an accommodation option?

    The event will be held at the Olinda Hotel in Toledo-PR and Chapecó, which offer quality infrastructure for our participants. If you are from another city, the hotel also offers accommodation options, thus ensuring greater comfort during the technical meeting.

  • What are the advantages of participating?

    By participating in the event, you will be up to date on the dairy industry market and have the opportunity to exchange privileged information with leading professionals in the market, in addition to a certificate of participation at the end of the event, which will be an important validation of your dedication and learning during the meeting. 

  • What will be the participation of those present? Will there be any interaction between speakers and the audience?

    At the end of each lecture, there will be time set aside for a question and answer session, where the speaker will be able to select some people from the audience to ask their questions. So, prepare your questions for each lecture so that they can be answered on the day of the event.

Event Locations

The Milk Academy is held in spaces with capacity for 200 people, air-conditioned environments, auditorium, coffee break, buffet, parking and a unique structure to host our meetings successfully.

Olinda hotel | Toledo -pr


2 PR-182, s/n - Independence, Toledo - PR, 85906-300

Lang palace hotel  |  Chapeco - SC

R. Sete de Setembro, 150 D - Centro, Chapecó - SC, 89801-021

Hosting Infrastructure

Audiovisual capture for later access

Easy access and parking

Limited vacancies

Secure your spot!

Free Registration | 5th Edition

As vagas para o evento de Toledo - PR estão esgotadas. Inscreva-se abaixo para o evento de Chapecó - RS

Milk Academy

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